Hank is in the stage now where he’s been super drooly and teething like crazy! This seems like a never-ending stage. So, in this season of life, bandana bibs have been Heaven sent. Here are the top 5 reasons why:
- It keeps him dry- changing this kid’s shirts is a JOB in and of itself. He turns into one of those floppy air tube guys flopping and flailing his arms up in the air…
- They’re reversible, so when one side gets soaked, turn it over and use it a little longer.
- The size is adjustable, making them last longer
- Double as a snot rag
- Super fashionable

My mom and I came up with a pattern and a tutorial on how to make these bibs and I thought I would share it to help some other moms out there! They also make great shower gifts for moms who don’t know what their tiny, cute, little pruny babies will someday turn into… a great big drool dragon. The downloadable PDF pattern link is below this video.